My name is Dominik and I have been following my shadow for over 29 years now. I must admit he never left me for a second. I followed him steadily around the world to visit many countries and to discover the beauty of nature and people around the world: my biggest adventures brought me through the Andes and rain forests in South America, from coast to coast in North America, into the wide deserts and monuments of man kind in the Middle East up to the mountain ridges of the Himalaya.
Discovering the landscapes, experiencing cultures and of course to have some fun keeps me persuading my shadow to continue walking forward.
My last adventure was a round trip through some of the most beautiful and historical places on earth: Africa! Follow me on this side as I prepared for the trip, experienced ups and downs and in the end discovered this great continent. I traveled with a small backpack, using local transports and always open-minded to new things.